Prepare For The Move

Wednesday Jul 31st, 2019


Prepare for the move


Moving to a new place, whether it is residence, an apartment or a new house is quite stressful. The key to successful moving is planning, organization and control.

Here’s a moving list you should be doing 2 weeks prior the closing:


  • Arrange for a moving company or your own transportation. Confirm the dates that you are wishing to move from your present location to the next.


  • Arrange for disconnection (if applicable) of utilities and reconnection at new location. Please click here for the contact information list.


  • Give address change to post office, charge accounts, credit cards, subscriptions (notice requires several weeks), friends and relatives.


*You can try the “Canada Post Mail Forwarding” service.



  • Notify your insurance company of new location for coverage: life, health, fire and auto.

*you must have your “Home Insurance” set up for the new home prior closing.


  • Get essential packing materials: sturdy boxes, tape, markers, newspaper, and tissue paper. Packing boxes can be obtained from grocery stores, liquor stores, and department stores.